About Maria Luisa Boutique
A trip to Nyack isn't complete without a stop at Maria Luisa Boutique. Located in the heart of the village's vibrant South Broadway/South of Hudson district, the shop offers curated collections that spotlight environmentally and socially ethical women's clothing, shoes, jewelry, apothecary, home and personal accessories. Maria Luisa is strongly committed to promoting ethically made goods by supporting local and global artists, designers and friends that share in the commitment of thoughtful, intentionally made pieces that are beautiful in both design and purpose.
Our Story
Lindsay Owen is the owner of the storied boutique that has been in business for 36+ years. Established in 1987 by founder Maria Luisa Whittingham and reimagined in 2024 by Lindsay, Maria Luisa Boutique is as central to the village of Nyack as its South Broadway location and is committed to serving the community with integrity, inspiration and products with a soul and a story.
Maria Luisa Initiatives
Who made this product?
We care deeply about the integrity of our product partners and ask direct questions on product origin and artisan compensation practices. The story behind a product matters to us. We want you to know about our Makers, how it’s made, who’s making it, and the process that leads to the finished design.
We are fortunate to be located in an area where artists and makers call home and have who have chosen Maria Luisa as their products ‘retail home.'
ML by Maria Luisa Scholarship Fund
The ML by Maria Luisa Scholarship recognizes Rockland County high school female seniors who, through their actions or beliefs, embrace the principals of ML by Maria Luisa: civic and community involvement, commitment to social justice, social equality, and environment/eco-friendly lifestyles.
For more details and to apply for our Scholarship, click here.
A word from Mya, one of our 2019 ML by Maria Luisa Scholarship recipients.
Applications are accepted March-April and scholarships are awarded in the month of May.
Supporting Local Not For Profits
Maria Luisa knows that being a business owner means more than just tending the shop and is well known for working together with other Nyack merchants to support our local community.
In appreciation and gratitude to the community that has long supported us, 5% from select Maria Luisa Boutique online purchases will be donated to a community non-profit. Simply make a selection at the time of your purchase for the ML by Maria Luisa Scholarship Fund, The Nyack Center, People to People of Rockland, or Rockland Pride Center. The giving begins with you.
Happy Giving!
ML Faves for GOOD
WE are MLfaves for GOOD, and we welcome you to join us in our fundraising efforts.
Maria Luisa Boutique, Nyack NY is our home base. We run, walk and raise funds in support the local NFP community.
Learn about our current fundraising efforts on FACEBOOK at MLfaves for GOOD.
Team ML Faves for GOOD @Women's Distance Festival 2019
Creating Space for Young SOCIAL Entrepreneurs
We continue to create opportunities for Young SOCIAL Entrepreneurs.
How do we do so? We invite Young Entrepreneurs to seasonal Maria Luisa Pop-Up markets. We offer mentoring as desired by the maker/entrepreneur. Our main goal is to provide opportunities to 8-17 year olds to set up shop, market their wares, learn from the experience and the interconnectedness between us all.
en·tre·pre·neur·ship - noun - the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
so·cial-en·ter·prise - a social enterprise or social business is defined as a business that has specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. Their profits are principally used to fund social programs.
Gigi - Social Young Entrepreneur IG@makergigi
Say NO to the Bag
Isn’t it time to stop using plastic bags once and then throwing them away? In fact, do we really need to use them at all? Most plastic bags are used once and then discarded – yes, really! I’m all for reusing the bags that we have for as long as possible and disposing of them responsibly, through recycling or re-purposing. Plastic bags are littering our waterways, strangling wildlife and increasing our demand for oil (Did you know plastic bags are made from ethylene, a by-product of natural gas or from ethylene created from naphtha, a by-product of petroleum?).
Take the pledge
As a merchant, employee or volunteer in a retail setting, I pledge to ask
“Did you bring your own bag today?”
If no,
“Will you need a bag today?”
As a consumer, I pledge to use reusable bags and forego a single use bag.
We look forward to your joining us in this initiative. And go ahead, share it near and far, together we will create the CHANGE.
Conversations with Maria Luisa
Enlighten Podcast-Stories & Conversations to Uplift & Inspire by Dr. Deborah Adamy, PhD., LMSW, LMT Episode 86 Maria Luisa Whittingham, Nyack business owner (Oct 7, 2019)
Trade + Prosper Podcast Channel-The Makers Season 1 Episode 4 Maria Luisa - Maria Luisa Whittingham (Nov. 2019)
2022: Maria Luisa celebrates 35 years in business.
2020:co-founded Nyack Merchants United
2019: Rockland Women Leaders Hall of Fame - Center for Safety and Change
2018: Launched ML Re-Invented, a community event space that features Fair Trade and local artisan made products .
2017: Maria Luisa celebrates 30 years in business. 2015: Recognized by Hudson Valley Magazine as 2015 Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
2014:Established the ML by Maria Luisa Annual Scholarship Fund (administered by the Rockland Community Foundation) and presented annually since 2015.
2014: RCC/Rockland Community College- President's Leadership Award.
2014:NYS Small Business Development Center- Latina Businesswoman of the Year.
2014: Nyack College- Annual Social Justice Day Luncheon 'Rockland County Entrepreneur and Community Activist Award'
2013 & 2014: Selected by the Trade Commission of Peru - to connect with artisans at Peru Moda in Lima.
2013: Initiated the Say No to the Bag campaign. On APR 6, 2015 — The Rockland County Legislature (Alden Wolfe) Passed a Resolution Urging Voluntary Elimination of Single Use Plastic Shopping Bags.
2012: Center for Safety and Change (formerly known as the Rockland Family Shelter) Simona and Jerome A. Chazen Business Luncheon-Business Award recipient.
2012: Woman owned business host: NY Senator Kirstin Gillibrand and Press Conference on small business tax break initiatives.
2012: RBWN (Rockland Business Women's Network) Woman of the Year Award.
2011 Friends of the Nyacks “Friend of the Year” Distinguished Citizen Award
2010 Leadership Rockland
2008 Women of Vision Award (Nyack Center)